My daughter is six. She has been taking gymnastics once a week since the beginning of the school year. I never did gymnastics as a kid, but my wife and I signed her up for the class because she expressed an interest. In the fall I usually took her to the class, and through observing everything that was going on in the gym, I quickly became fascinated with the sport of gymnastics itself. What an incredible way for young people to challenge themselves and learn about their bodies and what they are capable of!

I have a nagging feeling that a lot of kids are pushed into organized sports such as soccer and baseball too early. I think I did this with my son – we had him on a soccer team at age four. Now at age nine, he already seems burned out on organized sports. My daughter hasn’t asked to play soccer, basketball, or lacrosse yet, and we haven’t pushed it at all. Although I doubt she has the genetics to have a long term future of success in gymnastics, my daughter is developing an excellent base of strength and coordination that will help if she decides to play other sports in the future. And more importantly, she is having so much fun every week in the class.

The gymnastics gym offers an adult class once a week in the evenings. The class is advertised as being open to anyone – even those with zero experience in the sport. Despite having a a tall and gangly physique that is (to put it charitably) less than ideal for gymnastics, I really want to join the class. I was planning on signing up for the winter session but didn’t at the last minute due to expense. I’m hoping to sign up this summer when money isn’t as tight, and we have more free time. I have big dreams of learning to walk on my hands and perhaps even being able to do a backflip (hopefully without incurring any injuries in the process!)

As a kid, I basically only did team sports. I wasn’t really drawn to any individual sports back then, but now I love the idea of challenging myself physically and learning about what my middle-aged body might be capable of – and without any of the potential drama and stress of being on team. When I watch my daughter’s class, I can almost experience it vicariously with her as she does forward rolls, balance beams, handstands, and cartwheels. I’m really looking forward to hopefully trying it myself!

4 thoughts on “Gymnastics

  1. That’s a great idea to try it yourself. Good luck with that class! I feel like I’m a fairly coordinated person, but have zero idea how gymnasts manipulate their bodies to do what they do. Enjoy!

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  2. I didn’t play sports until I reached middle school. (Let me be honest… I was a terrible athlete. B Team all the way for me!)

    I think it’s important to have kids in activities, but it’s important for them to walk away with discernable skills. One of the reasons I pulled my daughter from dance was because they were always preparing for a show and weren’t really learning the moves and skills. That frustrated me.

    Sounds like your daughter is in a great place!


  3. Go Geoff! I love how you approach every experience ready to learn. My kids didn’t do many organized sports… it felt like I was being a less than perfect mom by not pushing them…but really, it felt like the right choice. I hope you get to take a class and try it out. (And make sure Marie takes a photo or two!)


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