Today is the fourth day of my spring break down here in central Florida. Even though I’m on vacation, I decided on the way down here that I wanted to keep my regular exercise schedule of working out every other day. On Sunday I went to a Planet Fitness gym because they have a deal where you can work out for free if you take a tour.

But today I decided to pay ten dollars for a day pass and go to Anytime Fitness. At home I typically work out between 60 and 75 minutes. Due to the hectic nature of my work and family obligations, at home I often feel extremely rushed during my workout and am unable to finish all of my exercises before dashing home or off to work.

However, today was different. With no where pressing to be, I spent over 90 minutes in the gym and did extra sets of every exercise on my plan. It was both liberating and satisfying to be able to mentally focus on the work out without having to check the time or feel anxious about not completing the plan due to other responsibilities. Vacation workouts – what a luxury!

3 thoughts on “Working Out Relaxed

  1. It’s so hard to squeeze in a work out while you are on vacation. I totally “get” it. I loved how you took advantage and found a promotion. That’s both disciplined and thrifty. 🙂


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